How Do I Sell Moments on NBA Top Shot?

How To Sell Moments on NBA Top Shot

Guide To Selling Moments

Parting with a moment on NBA Top Shot can be tough.

You are either selling at a loss trying to recoup some money still, you need some Dapper to buy something better, or (the best outcome) you’re taking some sweet, sweet profit.

For whatever your needs are, this guide will quickly cover how to sell your moment and what’s important to know when doing so.

Listing A Moment

The NBA Top Shot marketplace is like the stock market.

Demand and prices will fluctuate over time, and it’s your job to time the market to the best of your abilities.

It’s absolutely possible to list a common moment for $15,000 on Top Shot. The problem? No one will buy it at that price unless it’s something super special.

With thousands of other users and plenty of other options already in the marketplace, your moment is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it.

With that in mind, when you’ve come up with a price you’d be comfortable selling at, and a price that you think other users will take you up on, it’s time to put it on the block.

To do that, head into your ‘Collection’ and select the moment you now want to sell. This will bring you to its page where you have two options: ‘Send as Gift’ or ‘Place for Sale’.

You will get some additional information on the moment’s page too where you can see how many of that particular moment are currently for sale.

Click ‘Place for Sale’ to move into the next screen.

Here, you will type in the price. The Pricing Helper will help you organize and use current listings as research for creating your listing.

Be sure to list at your own risk. Make sure there are no typos and note that Top Shot is going to a 5% marketplace fee of the transaction. That fee will be deducted automatically upon the sale. You’ll want to remember to factor that fee in when calculating your profits!

Click, ‘Place for Sale’, confirm it on another screen and your listing will be on the marketplace within a couple of minutes.

Once it’s sold, you will get a notification (see the bell in the upper right of the Top Shot screen to confirm) and the funds will go into your Dapper account. Congrats! You’ve successfully sold a moment on Top Shot.

What is Undercutting?

Now, once you’ve listed your moment, you may find that it’s not selling as quickly as you hoped.

Go back to the listings to see if the moment is being “undercut”.

Undercutting is a much maligned practice in Top Shot. It’s usually performed by moneygrabbers and not true collectors. That’s because instead of being patient and waiting for a moment to sell at its current market rate, undercutters will simply it for sale at a much lower price in order to unload it quicker.

This complicates things as multiple undercutters on the same moment can tank the price of a moment in a matter of minutes, each trying to unload their moment faster than the other.

As the ecosystem matures and those who are in the for the long haul outnumber those trying to make a quick buck, this practice should go down. That being said, people are always going to need to unload moments quickly to either cash out or acquire some Dapper for other moments or packs. You’re just going to have to live with it and take profits when you can.

Your moment is bound to sell eventually if it’s listed at a reasonable price (regardless of undercutters).

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